Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back off minor HI-HATE-US......

Sorry to all my faithful readers (if I even have any) for my weeks of absence. These passing weeks I ended one 9-5 just to start another, drove my brother 3hours out of my way to the mountainous region of MD (the part of Maryland most don't know about) & BACK!, traveled to Delaware to party wit my nigga Taj, and started my class at Towson Univ. So there's my excuse for me not having anytime to fill ya'll in on my Oh! so eventful life. The Song of the week is from the dopeness we call MIA. I've been listening to her since the early millenium i'm glad niggas finally caught up (due to swagger like us lol). Anywho this post is from yesterday but while i was writing it, my computer just died off some randomness on a full battery and wouldn't come back on. Once this happened I thought, "OH SHIT, MY COMPUTER CRASHED AGAIN BEFORE I COULD PUT ALL MY IMPORTANT SHIT ON MY FLASH DRIVE! NOOOOOOOOOO!" So I let this bitch roast out til late last night and everything was graves (thats a good thing). So I fiiiiiinally put everything to do with my clothing and music on my flash drive so it wouldn't be a relapse of the Marcus' Shit Massacre......shit was whack.

I also saw some interesting shit yesterday morning on the way to work. A Fucking High Speed Chase!!!!! I'm a fast driver myself, but i saw this 350Z looking car, coulda been a G35 (that just lets you know how fast it was going, I couldn't even make out what car it was) fly by me. I thought to myself 'damn, it's mafuckas out here that drive faster than me?' Then I saw like 5 squad cars, a squad van, and a fire truck chasing close behind this mofo. I've always wanted to see a "hot pursuit", but it being on a local road doesn't cost better than a highway joint. But at least I can say I've witnessed one...........

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