Sunday, August 24, 2008

The TERROR-tory

Sunday Morning.......
The perfect Christian would be on their way to church, but hey I know I'm not perfect so I'm sleepin, BUT 10:30 AM i get a call that woke me up way too early from my homie jazz's mom dukes cuz they were on their way to the crib but since jazz snapped his phone in half (literally) I'm the only means of telephonic communication. But anywhoo i eventually ended up at Coppin helping my girl set her room up and shit. It felt extra weird being on my school's campus knowing i wont b attending this upcoming semester. And it was funny seeing all the very noticeable freshmen that were new to the school. You can always tell the difference between seeing a freshmen and seeing a new transfer student. They're soo obvious. But i got home and i chopped it up wit jazz and my nigga AJ, and decided to put jazz in one of my TERROR-torial shirts and to take a pic of that shit. PURE SWAG (no homo). It got me thinking that i need to go ahead and put in a order for all my sample tee's so that i can work on creatin my buzz. With that being said, TERROR-torial COMING SOON!!! For now though, ima leave ya'll wit a sample of the heat I'm bringin. Store should be up soon. This is the 'Babe' tee, Jazz is rockin a medium. If you need to inquire leave a comment or hit me up @

outtie like a bellybutton

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