Sunday, August 24, 2008

The TERROR-tory

Sunday Morning.......
The perfect Christian would be on their way to church, but hey I know I'm not perfect so I'm sleepin, BUT 10:30 AM i get a call that woke me up way too early from my homie jazz's mom dukes cuz they were on their way to the crib but since jazz snapped his phone in half (literally) I'm the only means of telephonic communication. But anywhoo i eventually ended up at Coppin helping my girl set her room up and shit. It felt extra weird being on my school's campus knowing i wont b attending this upcoming semester. And it was funny seeing all the very noticeable freshmen that were new to the school. You can always tell the difference between seeing a freshmen and seeing a new transfer student. They're soo obvious. But i got home and i chopped it up wit jazz and my nigga AJ, and decided to put jazz in one of my TERROR-torial shirts and to take a pic of that shit. PURE SWAG (no homo). It got me thinking that i need to go ahead and put in a order for all my sample tee's so that i can work on creatin my buzz. With that being said, TERROR-torial COMING SOON!!! For now though, ima leave ya'll wit a sample of the heat I'm bringin. Store should be up soon. This is the 'Babe' tee, Jazz is rockin a medium. If you need to inquire leave a comment or hit me up @

outtie like a bellybutton

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Today i just realized something. Well let me start off with i woke up extra late (2.5 hours late) for work today after i disregarded both alarms that went off. So i hopped up out the bed and got ready and dipped out quick as i could. So while I'm driving to work, mind you at this time I'm usually working already, i realized something.................FUCK A 9-5 DESK JOB. It just felt like one of those days. Usually i'm in morning traffic driving with the main purpose to get to work, but today felt like it was just a beautiful summer day and i should've been cruising without a care in the world doing what i wanted to do instead of being on my way to sit in front of a computer all day feeling lik a damn robot. The feeling of just cruising made me see that in the future i want to have a job where i can just do shit like that and have fun while making my money. So I think that was a wake-up call to me to pursue one of my passions extra strong (music or clothing). I mean there's nothing wrong with workin wit computers, but i don't want a desk job. I dont want to be that typical guy with a wife, couple kids, and a job i hate going to everyday. And this inspired me to change my song of the week a little early. This song is basically what I would've been cruising to if my mafuckin ipod wouldn't of broke on me. But thats another story coming soon, even though it feels like i just lost the 1,920 songs that portrayed my life. Anywhooo check out the song by Jade Hurtado. This is some dope ass underground shit for yo ass, and the production is done by my mans Chuck (Inglish) of The Cool Kids. Hopefully this inspirational ass day will inspire me to make major moves that inspire major changes in my life for the better. By the way, I'm sitting at my punk ass desk right now and writing this entry kinda just pissed me off lol.

outtie like a bellybutton

Monday, August 18, 2008


Sooooo day 2 of the NYC trip was the illest and not just because it was the day i got to see 3 of my favorite 5 mainstream artists Lupe, N.E.R.D, & Mr. West (Jay-Z and Nas the other two, kinda cliche' but thats real) it was because it was the only whole day we spent there and plus we was in SOHO most of the day. We hit up SOHO 10XDeep like the clothing (lol, that shit was corny) and my main man (no homo) Skate was the leader of the tour showing us to all the ill shit. I copped a jacket from American Apparel and a dope ass short sleeve sweater from H&M. My main intention was to cop the P-Rod Highs but shit didn't work out. So we was all roastin like eva til the show . The show was SOOOOOOO DOPE!!!!! Everybody in the joint was zoot, so u already know people was gettin loose. On my way to one of many of my bathroom trips (u know how it goes when u got that liq in your system) I even heard this drunk ass girl telling all her friends that she slept with 'Chad' (or some common white guy name) and that seemed to be a big suprise to all of them. But it seemed like an even bigger suprise when she told them that he was whack in the sack. Apparently she aint been wit a nigga like me yet lmao. Anywhooo Consequence was the opening act, I knew 3/4 of his songs but like I thought no one was vibing except me and my niggas. My fave artist as of right now (LUPE) was the first act and he had a great performance. But as we all know no one buys his album (mainly cuz they don't like to think) so they got hype to Kick, Push & Superstar. Then came N.E.R.D who in my eyes had the dopest performance. After the first song Anti Matter they told everyone to get up off they asses until the end of they act, and that's just what they did. After they tore the house down, Kanye came wit the most creative performance i've ever seen in my life. Ironically though, soon as he did 'Get Em High' some susboys came thru the backdoor right next to our seats smokin the ganja green and dancin all in my fuckin way. I was gettin pissed jus like everyone else around me cuz they had the door wide open shining a bright ass light and was all on the phone and shit. Luckily they left right after the next song 'Diamonds Are Forever'. Kanye finished it off wit Touch The Sky and my dude Lupe came out to add on to the sick ass performance. Then right before Yeezy left the building he dropped some knowledge on us bout how the artists don't kil hip-hop............the listeners do! (which is very true now that YOU think about it)
.....and sorry for the lack of pics, i was to busy jammin whole time feel me?!


outtie like a bellybutton

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Ok idk if ya'll know bout the china bus but it's an extremely cheap way to get to all the major cities on the east coast via bus driven by asian people (thus the name) but that shit is entirely too sus for my life. I mean it gets you there in pretty good time but u get what u paid for, not sayin i wont take it again tho cuz a rountrip ticket for $35 is a hell of a bargain. So after they lets me and my nigga jazz off in the middle of times square we hops on the famous NY subway headin to Queens to meet up wit my nigga sean & taj who left on the bus before us cuz them niggas was waaay too thirst lol. But the 1st night we jus hung out at my man Curts joint which was packed wit lik 6 other niggas but it was fun n shit. Same night we decided to head up to St. Johns for sum lil party or sumthin but niggas got deaded cuz it was a freshman only joint lol. So we jus chilled on campus and shit for the night then hit the pad back up for some NBA 2k8. By The Way that nigga curtis is a cheater, he only plays wit the Lakers and keeps kobe backcourt so if u miss a shot he launches it to kobe for a wide open slam......cheatin ass nigga

outtie like a bellybutton


Yowzas!!!! Damn i been MIA for bout 2weeks now due to my brolick ass chain of vacations, but i'm back now wit entries of how much i've enjoyed my getaway........on to post one

outtie like a bellybutton

Sunday, August 3, 2008


So on saturday night, my niggas all had work and didn't get off til midnight and when they got to the crib they wanted to party but forgot the whole city of baltimore shuts down at 2:00 AM sooooo.....

That's what we got into, SMIRNOFF (not much but 3 niggas X 3 individge bottles = gets the job done).....and as my mans seany sean would say some dino candy boxes, but anywhoo we got zoot, freestyled for a good 20 minutes and was roastin lik ever, arguin wit this nigga jazz why Nas' Untitled is hoootttt! And anyone resistin, goddamn my ass KISS IT! But yea after waking up fully dressed on the smallest seat in the crib at 9 this mornin i took my nigga seany sean to go get a new battery after his died in the boatmobile (ford taurus) and jazz's died like a couple days before, hopefully i aint the next in the chain cuz Ali Bamba (my Altima) don't need that shit in it's life, feel me? So we went and copped the battery but the shit wouldn't fit, so we had to take that heavy bitch back and get a new one but when we came back to the crib we were welcomed by two dogs havin butt sex lol. I mean the guy got shut down by the joint (even tho it looked lik it shoulda been a male dog dog sex lmao) but we got that shit done and now im raostin lik ever, watchin 21 which is really inspiring me to make some bread, so ima say it again.....WATCH OUT FOR TERROR-torial!!!!!!


outtie like a bellybutton

Friday, August 1, 2008

Nike McFly 2015 Commercial

Well every since Back To The Future II dropped, everybody been THIRsin THIRsin for these to drop. Started petitions, jus a few weeks ago actual patents the mike fox rocked in the movie was for sell on ebay for like 5stacks, and all that but i dont know....i always thought the whole idea was pretty dope/interesting and the hyperdunks that dropped didn't do em' justice (even though those are dope as soap-on-a-rope) but here's a random ass commercial put together by some random ass peoples bout these slammin ass shoes, feel me? but i guess ima sign the petition or whatever the hell it is they tellin u at the end of the video just to say i had a part in it if it ever is produced......dude down the steps got clapped the fuck up though lmao!

Joints that was on ebay few weeks ago....

outtie like a bellybutton

Right Portion Right Price head ass.....

And for the record me n my niggas was doin that 'lookin ass nigga' (lookin boy) shit like 4 years ago except we was usin 'head ass nigga' so that's infringement on my copy riiight? anywhooo....

Yesterday i left work pretty damn early cuz i didn't take a lunch break, so i gets back to the cridadib round um '4:30' (in a stacey from Menace II Society voice) and was roastin like ever wit my roomie/my mafuckin nigga Stevie Easy better known as Jazz (what's smoother than that) and his lil brova AJ. Anywhoo after some bullshit ass cheatin ass games of Pro Evolution Soccer '08 i lost 2/3 to this cheatin ass nigga jazz (im nice tho, don't sleep on the kid) this nigga got thirst for real to go play some actual soccer (that's what he does, jamaican roots but he's nice wit it i cant front) so he called a couple of his soccer bro's (lmao) to get a game going. Well my man's whip is in shambles so i said i'd take him and i'd stay and watch the match since he needed a ride back....well we get there and these two white guys, one chubby one wit too small shorts on and no GOT-DAMN SHIRT ON and another one that had a long ass susboy beater on wit some spandex black plants (like wtf son) were moving the chubby guy's shit out of his house into his truck (guess they were movin) well they bagged my nigga steve to help so me n this nigga AJ waitin lik shit while they movin furniture, well 9:00 rolls around and they still aint get a match started so my mans n dem was lik fuck this shit u can't play soccer in the dark anyways, so we dipped out on they bitch ass, yea on they bitch ass :)

Well from there we heard bout this drinking olympics at fridays (i'm not 21 yet, but i didn't go to lunch that day dammit so i was hungry as shit) thing goinz on and palma nightclub was sposed to be poppin so we was bousta do the damn thing (whole time i'm thinkin it's friday and forgettin i gotta wake up at 6:30 for work) Well we hits up Fridays and they sit us in this dark ass corner, but all in all it was poppin, met two of Jazz homies up there(already zoot) n yea he got zoot off two cran-goose's and i was crushin that sizzling chicken & shrimp (shrimp is the only thing i eat when i go out, all-time fave) well it was a table of 8 joints (ladies) 1 BAD, 3 decent, rest :( but Jazz mans O.C. built up the courage to go wrap it up wit em and his so-called 'wingman' decided to go and hol em down. Too bad he fucked it all up by tryin to clean this one girl plate off the table when she wasn't finished(why? dont know but he works there so he got that bust-boy mentality i guess) and then both of em got deaded off that shit. LMAO shit was dead funny.

Anywhoo on the way back to the crib tlkn to this nigga Jazz, he jus stopped & froze in the middle of one of his sentences. I'm lik 'u good son?' then he hit me wit a 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!' shit was sooooo fuckin funny i was bousta splash (crash) the whip cuz i was laughin so hard i had my eyes's more of a inside type joke but ima let u mofos in on it......

and this was the reference to the stacey off menace II society '4:30' voice form 0:55 - 1:00

outtie like a bellybutton

Second Joint.....

Oh shit i forgot to let ya'll know that this blog is mainly for updating my readers about
  • Fashion (mainly my shit)/Sneakers
  • Music that I'm interested in (sorry Weezy fans but you guys aren't gonna like me very much, none of that shit)
  • Events and shit
  • And shit that happens to me

So uhhhhhhhhhh.........just lettin ya'll know and shit

Let the posting BEGIN!!!!!!!!!! and shit

**edit & shit**

Im going to let you know this before i get into posting heavy on this joint, in order for you all to understand some of the phrases i kick u gotta peep the following videos that are almost mandatory for the niggas in my circle to watch on a regular basis (jus kiddin, thats kinda sus) but yea, peep this shit cuz 'ooh it's so real'....

my man bizzy bone be on some other shit sometimes

feel me?

next caller.....what's hatnin! lmao......there you have it folks, this where i get some of my daily dialogue from

and shit

outtie like a bellybutton

First Joint....


Let me give you guys a brief introducts:

- Marcus McCoy aka McMarx (jus call me Marx)

- College Junior at whack ass Coppin State University

- Cool ass guy (at least thats what they tell me)

- Computer Science major who hates to sit behind a desk and do office work (shits whack), which is ironic because that's what my major entitles (btw i use words that seem to fit to me, but not sure and that was one of those cases) Already worked at Lockheed Martin and a government agency so even if i hate it I still will always have a beyond decent salary

- Always had ideas for a clothing line, and now im pursuing full steam ahead.....already trademarked and got my first sample tee like last week (YEA BOI!), and hopefully it all works out so that i can have a cooler future career

- I also love music and art, certified hip-hop head but love anything that is good music (fuck country!) I make my own music btw but just do it for a hobby not really pursuing unless it comes to me, although people always tell me i'm lyrically nicer than more than 1/2 the rap game (tracks coming soon)

- I also am a certified sneakerhead (not one of those new guys following the trend, they annoy me a bit) well not really certified but i do love kicks and the impact they have on a person, like my man Chi Mcbride says, I'm a sneaker connoisseur, not a collector because I actually wear my kicks and appreciate them beyond economic value or social status feel me?

- I chill with a tight-knit group of high school homies that share a common love of either basketball, music, or sneakers (or all of the above) but I'm the easiest person to get along with because I'm so individually diverse. However, I wont go out of my way to meet someone new I usually wait for people to come to me

Well that's all i could think of so far, I'm kind of in coporate land right now supposed to be imaging software & shit so i had to keep it short(kinda not really head ass), but hey THAT AIN'T LOGICAL!

P.S. Be on the lookout for a fall collection preview of my clothing line......

outtie like a bellybutton