Friday, August 1, 2008

First Joint....


Let me give you guys a brief introducts:

- Marcus McCoy aka McMarx (jus call me Marx)

- College Junior at whack ass Coppin State University

- Cool ass guy (at least thats what they tell me)

- Computer Science major who hates to sit behind a desk and do office work (shits whack), which is ironic because that's what my major entitles (btw i use words that seem to fit to me, but not sure and that was one of those cases) Already worked at Lockheed Martin and a government agency so even if i hate it I still will always have a beyond decent salary

- Always had ideas for a clothing line, and now im pursuing full steam ahead.....already trademarked and got my first sample tee like last week (YEA BOI!), and hopefully it all works out so that i can have a cooler future career

- I also love music and art, certified hip-hop head but love anything that is good music (fuck country!) I make my own music btw but just do it for a hobby not really pursuing unless it comes to me, although people always tell me i'm lyrically nicer than more than 1/2 the rap game (tracks coming soon)

- I also am a certified sneakerhead (not one of those new guys following the trend, they annoy me a bit) well not really certified but i do love kicks and the impact they have on a person, like my man Chi Mcbride says, I'm a sneaker connoisseur, not a collector because I actually wear my kicks and appreciate them beyond economic value or social status feel me?

- I chill with a tight-knit group of high school homies that share a common love of either basketball, music, or sneakers (or all of the above) but I'm the easiest person to get along with because I'm so individually diverse. However, I wont go out of my way to meet someone new I usually wait for people to come to me

Well that's all i could think of so far, I'm kind of in coporate land right now supposed to be imaging software & shit so i had to keep it short(kinda not really head ass), but hey THAT AIN'T LOGICAL!

P.S. Be on the lookout for a fall collection preview of my clothing line......

outtie like a bellybutton

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