Friday, August 1, 2008

Right Portion Right Price head ass.....

And for the record me n my niggas was doin that 'lookin ass nigga' (lookin boy) shit like 4 years ago except we was usin 'head ass nigga' so that's infringement on my copy riiight? anywhooo....

Yesterday i left work pretty damn early cuz i didn't take a lunch break, so i gets back to the cridadib round um '4:30' (in a stacey from Menace II Society voice) and was roastin like ever wit my roomie/my mafuckin nigga Stevie Easy better known as Jazz (what's smoother than that) and his lil brova AJ. Anywhoo after some bullshit ass cheatin ass games of Pro Evolution Soccer '08 i lost 2/3 to this cheatin ass nigga jazz (im nice tho, don't sleep on the kid) this nigga got thirst for real to go play some actual soccer (that's what he does, jamaican roots but he's nice wit it i cant front) so he called a couple of his soccer bro's (lmao) to get a game going. Well my man's whip is in shambles so i said i'd take him and i'd stay and watch the match since he needed a ride back....well we get there and these two white guys, one chubby one wit too small shorts on and no GOT-DAMN SHIRT ON and another one that had a long ass susboy beater on wit some spandex black plants (like wtf son) were moving the chubby guy's shit out of his house into his truck (guess they were movin) well they bagged my nigga steve to help so me n this nigga AJ waitin lik shit while they movin furniture, well 9:00 rolls around and they still aint get a match started so my mans n dem was lik fuck this shit u can't play soccer in the dark anyways, so we dipped out on they bitch ass, yea on they bitch ass :)

Well from there we heard bout this drinking olympics at fridays (i'm not 21 yet, but i didn't go to lunch that day dammit so i was hungry as shit) thing goinz on and palma nightclub was sposed to be poppin so we was bousta do the damn thing (whole time i'm thinkin it's friday and forgettin i gotta wake up at 6:30 for work) Well we hits up Fridays and they sit us in this dark ass corner, but all in all it was poppin, met two of Jazz homies up there(already zoot) n yea he got zoot off two cran-goose's and i was crushin that sizzling chicken & shrimp (shrimp is the only thing i eat when i go out, all-time fave) well it was a table of 8 joints (ladies) 1 BAD, 3 decent, rest :( but Jazz mans O.C. built up the courage to go wrap it up wit em and his so-called 'wingman' decided to go and hol em down. Too bad he fucked it all up by tryin to clean this one girl plate off the table when she wasn't finished(why? dont know but he works there so he got that bust-boy mentality i guess) and then both of em got deaded off that shit. LMAO shit was dead funny.

Anywhoo on the way back to the crib tlkn to this nigga Jazz, he jus stopped & froze in the middle of one of his sentences. I'm lik 'u good son?' then he hit me wit a 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!' shit was sooooo fuckin funny i was bousta splash (crash) the whip cuz i was laughin so hard i had my eyes's more of a inside type joke but ima let u mofos in on it......

and this was the reference to the stacey off menace II society '4:30' voice form 0:55 - 1:00

outtie like a bellybutton

1 comment:

ape james said...

lol @ outtie like a belly-button, and i like the term "joint" as a reference towards women. Damn man, i want fridays now...i'm hungry den a mudfugga..haha. Soccer's always a sport that i wanted to learn how to play, but i got kicked in my shin the one time i did play, and that shit hurt like a b*tch. Your day sounded very eventful...fat &shirtless ppl, cheating ass players in soccer, and fridays full of joints